The Rocky College Council is a dedicated group of student leaders who spearhead events and initiatives aimed at fostering Rocky’s communal spirit. Examples of our past events include weekly study breaks and gear distribution. We are made up of several committees, including Academics, Social, Arts and Music, and Intramurals. We are advised by our wonderful Residential Life Coordinator (RLC), Bobby Kakoleski. The Academic Committee is in charge of hosting events aimed at introducing new skills and intellectual pursuits to students. The committee collaborates with members of the college staff and the Princeton community to plan academic programs such as discussions with professors and book talks. The Social Committee is in charge of organizing social events throughout the year, such as our weekly Tuesday night study breaks. The Arts and Music Committee organizes events that enrich the cultural experiences of students. Examples include the Classical Music Hours, and various arts and craft activities for students to de-stress with one another. The Intramurals Committee organizes teams within the Rocky community to participate in university-wide intramural sports, run by Campus Recreation. The Rocky College Council exists to serve the residents of Rockefeller College and therefore warmly welcomes any contributions from residents. If you have ideas for an event you would like to see implemented or suggestions on how we can improve our operations, please reach out to any council member or RLC Bobby at [email protected].