Hello! My name is Godwin and I was born and raised in Plano, Texas. I love spending time in the outdoors, and I love photography. That's why you can often find me taking cute squirrel photos around Holder Hall (go Rocky!). On campus I'm an OA leader and a captain of Princeton Club Swim. If you see me around, say hi because I'm always down to grab a meal and chat! (Be warned: I might unleash my nerdy side and start talking about my radios and electronics projects.) I'm excited to be a PAA and to help y'all become absolute academic weapons!
Hometown: Plano, Texas
Major: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Certificate(s): Computer Science, Engineering Physics, Religion
Favorite memory from my first year at Princeton: Sharing "hometowns" stories with my friends around a campfire during my OA leader training trip at the end of my freshman year :)
Princeton class that shaped the way I think and why: Jesus and Buddha: HUM290. I took the class because I admired one of the professors, Elaine Pagels, whose books I'd previously read. Going into the class, I wasn't familiar with Buddhism, but the comparative structure of the class let me learn about both Christianity and Buddhism from viewpoints I hadn't considered before. That class pushed me to see both religions from a historical point of view.