Hi! My name is Steph, and I’m a senior in the English department with minors in Theater, Creative Writing, and Computer Science. I grew up in Hong Kong and Beijing, coming to America for the first time my freshman year. On campus, you can find me working as a barista at Coffee Club (our on-campus, student-run coffee shop!), or doing theater-related things. In my free time, I’m probably rock climbing, reading, or watching movies in my room. I’m excited to be a PAA mainly to meet y’all, introduce you to this lovely place, and watch you guys flourish as you go through Princeton!
Hometown: Hong Kong
Major: English
Certificate(s): Theater, Computer Science, Creative Writing
Favorite memory from my first year at Princeton: A favorite memory from my first year at Princeton was when the SPIA fountain unexpectedly froze over, stopping the water mid-motion. My friends and I spent two hours slipping and sliding around the fountain in our sneakers, and spent the rest of the night walking around campus admiring the architecture on campus, and spinning circles under the stars on Poe field. It was a great break from studying, and definitely brought my friends and I closer together.
Princeton class that shaped the way I think and why: HIS393: Race, Drugs, and Drug Policy, taught by Professor Keith Wailoo. It was incredibly interesting to see the subjectivity in drug policy, and to trace the changes in the perception of certain drugs depending on its usage. For instance, we may think of opium as a narcotic, but it was formerly used as a constipating astringent, medicine for children with diarrhea. Having a greater latitude for questioning policies and not taking moral labels at face value is formative for my work now.