Live Well, Be Well

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We recognize that your personal journey to wellness is lifelong, and we are here to support you as you navigate this journey. Getting deliberate about your personal health will allow you to feel confident, in control, and capable so that you can thrive personally, socially, and academically.

Balancing your personal well-being with the demands of Princeton life can be tough at times, but it is absolutely doable. Allow us to guide and support you as you figure out how to Live Well & Be Well at Rocky.

Throughout the fall and spring semesters we will offer a variety of formal and informal activities, spaces, and resources meant to empower and inspire a healthy lifestyle and sense of well-being.

Study breaks related to personal health and well-being: Look out for our Rocky Reminders and social media posts on a variety of topics, as well as suggestions for how to get support at Rocky at within the university community.

Wellness options, at your fingertips:  Rocky College and Princeton have much to offer as you explore your personal path to wellness. We will keep you up to date on the many offerings, including wellness workshops, yoga and mindfulness classes, study breaks, and other pop-up programs.